Dies ist die archivierte Website der ehemaligen Bonner .NET User Group "Bonn-to-Code.Net" (2006-2017)


2016-03-22: Bonn-to-Code.Net: User-Treffen März
19:00 Uhr, Comma Soft AG in Bonn-Pützchen (Anfahrt)

BonnToCodeIm März geht es um die Programmierung von Web-Anwendungen mit React.js. Diese Bibliothek verfolgt einen radikal anderen Ansatz als z.B. Angular oder Aurelia (Thema des Januar-Vortrags), was einen Vergleich natürlich sehr interessant macht.

React.js + TypeScript  Olmo del Corral

React.js, the Facebook library for building user interfaces, has turned the UI landscape upside down. After many years of MVC, templates, and two-way data binding, these guys have come up with a fresh new way of building Single Page Applications.

Using JSX, you can embed markup into your JavaScript, that becomes a pure function from state to HTML, and React keeps the UI up-to-date by diff'ing the Virtual DOM. The advantages are many: Easy to learn, great performance and optional server-side rendering.

The TypeScript team has been quick catching this train, adjusting their roadmap to add JSX integration into TypeScript 1.6 and 1.8. This means that your components are 100% statically typed and you can enjoy auto-completion and safe renames.

In this talk, Olmo del Corral will tell us his experience using React, TypeScript and Webpack in Visual Studio 2015, from the perspective of a .Net developer with experience in WPF and ASP.Net MVC.

(Vortrag in englischer Sprache)

Über den Sprecher

Olmo del Corral is one of the partners of Signum Software, a company located in Spain, but he currently resides in Düsseldorf and works in Control€xpert. He is the main developer of Signum Framework.