Dies ist die archivierte Website der ehemaligen Bonner .NET User Group "Bonn-to-Code.Net" (2006-2017)


2011-11-29: Bonn-to-Code.Net: User-Treffen November
19:00 Uhr, Comma Soft AG in Bonn-Pützchen (Anfahrt)

BonnToCodeBevor die Weihnachtszeit mit Einkaufsstress und Weihnachtsfeiern so richtig losgeht, gibt es nochmal ein Bonner User-Treffen.

Für das Novembertreffen haben wir Gad K. Meir aus Isreal zu Gast, der auf seiner Tour durch Deutschland u.a. auch in Bonn Station macht. Gad wird zwei Vorträge halten, in denen es mal nicht um schöne neue und verheißungsvolle Zukunftstechnologien geht, sondern um den tagtäglichen Betrieb von Software in einer nicht-perfekten Welt.

  • Debugging .NET and Native Applications in the Field
    Visual Studio is not installed on customer sites and testing and QA labs. Single-stepping an application is not a practical approach to trace a bug in production sites when live users are connected.
    However, there are bugs that only reveal themselves in such environments. It is possible to collect and analyze debug information, without adding any installation to the analyzed system, by using the freely available "Debugging Tools for Windows" package, as well as other tools. The session explains everything participants need to know in order to begin using these valuable tools immediately.
  • Preparing Applications for Production Environments
    Production and QA environments are totally different to development environments. Debugging and tracing features that can be useful in production environment must be planned and applied carefully in advance.
    During its life cycle, any application will be running in production environments significantly more time than in development environment. How easy is it to manage, monitor and debug the application in production environments? Are key performance elements of the application available for the operators and for the automatic management tools used in production environments?
    Proper preparation of an application for operation in production environments will save a lot of time thereby cutting operation and QA costs. The session covers subjects like ETW (Event Tracing for Windows) Performance counters, Event logging, Production debugging ready, WER (Windows Error Reporting) and other elements that can be incorporated easily in the application to reduce operations and support costs.

Both sessions are loaded with practical information and demos, and include guidelines based on field experience.

About Gad J. Meir
Gad has worked in the computer industry since 1975. His main expertise is troubleshooting production and end user environments for the root cause of failures. Since the root cause of failures is either architecture, process and (rarely) abuse of technology, Gad uses MSF (Microsoft Solution Framework) principles to identify faults in development or deployment processes/procedures.

Gad's main task is to pre-empt problems in the project-planning phase. Unfortunately, he is usually summoned at the last minute, either when the system crashes or when the project is about to die or for post mortem analysis of failed projects. Dealing with failed projects is directly connected with Gad's second specialty which is analyzing dumps, blue screens and other low-level plumbing tasks.

Gad is currently the R&D Manager at IDAG Ltd. (http://www.idag.co.il/En-Us/) and his main function is production debugging (http://www.productiondebugging.com/). His blogs can be found at http://weblogs.asp.net/gadim/ and http://blogs.microsoft.co.il/blogs/gadim


Hinweis: Die ursprünglich geplanten Vortrage zu UI Patterns und Git auf Windows werden zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt nachgeholt.